The next Galaxy Note smartphone will be a revealed in just over three weeks time, Samsung has reportedly confirmed. confirming what many -- including ourselves -- had already suspected, a Samsung representative told Reuters, "we plan to unveil the next Galaxy Note at the Samsung Mobile Unpacked event in Berlin on August 29."
So that takes care of that -- Samsung's confirmed that we will indeed see a "next Galaxy Note" in Berlin later this month, just as it did with the "next Galaxy" announcements that preceded the Galaxy S3 launch event. In any case, it's not like Samsung was being particularly coy about its Note-based plans for the event -- see the stylus/magic wand in the official invite above.
For now, though, the nature of the Galaxy Note 2 -- or whatever it ends up being called -- remains a bit of a mystery. Internet rumors focus on a possible 5.5-inch screen in the device, as well as a higher-clocked version of the Exynos 4 Quad chip in the Galaxy S3, though those come from easily-fakeable online benchmark listings.
Feel free to launch into rampant speculation down in the comments. We'll be live in Berlin later this month for the Samsung Unpacked event and the rest of the IFA show.
Source: Reuters; via: SamMobile
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