Sunday, October 28, 2012

Upgrading to Windows 8? Here's what you need to know about iTunes!

Upgrading to Windows 8? Here's what you need to know about iTunes!

Windows 8 hit physical and electronic store shelves this morning, and Mobile Nations' own WPCentral was up early grabbing Surfaces and giving everything a look. For iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad users, however, you can also now get your hands on Microsoft’s latest and greatest operating system. If you are a Windows user, like most of us, you can download Windows 8 Pro and install it straight onto your PC as an upgrade to an existing Windows installation or set up your computer as a new PC and wipe it clean.

Windows 8 comes with an upgrade compatibility wizard which will check your hardware and software and let you know what is compatible and what isn’t. It looks like the current version of iTunes is compatible -- but there's something you need to be especially aware of.

You need to de-authorize iTunes on your computer BEFORE you upgrade to Windows 8. If you don’t do this, it will be authorized as an additional machine and use up two out of your five allowed computers.

To de-authorize a computer in iTunes follow these simple steps:-

  1. Open iTunes
  2. Click on the Store tab Microsoft makes Windows 8 available to buy or download
  3. Click on De-authorize this computer Microsoft makes Windows 8 available to buy or download
  4. Enter your username and password Microsoft makes Windows 8 available to buy or download
  5. Hit Ok and you should get a confirmation message saying “This computer has been successfully de-authorized". Microsoft makes Windows 8 available to buy or download

If you decide to upgrade to Windows 8, you can download the update from Microsoft for $39.99 or buy it on physical media for $69.99. If you want to discover exactly what Windows 8 is all about, Microsoft has you covered with a dedicatedWindows 8 portal right here.

I will be updating my computer over the weekend so should have some more information on using your iPhone or iPad with Windows 8. If anyone else does the update, let us know how it goes in the comments!

Source: Microsoft



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